PGP: removed from UB

Rusty Babani babani at cs.Buffalo.EDU
Thu Mar 4 10:55:51 PST 1993

This message came to me immidatly after I requested the sysadmin here
at UB to upgrade to PGP to version 2.1 Do I need to explain this?

---------Begin Included Message-----
Organization: University at Buffalo
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1993 00:20:53 GMT
From: ACSU Staff <acsu-staff at>
Subject: UNIX Change Notice -- pgp removed

  Product:	pgp
  Version:      2
  Systems:      UCS public suns
   Change:      removed
  Contact:	pjg at
Effective:	2-March-93

   Notes:       given the questionable legal status of the PGP software
		it has been removed from UCS supported areas.  people
		interested in authentication/privacy should use ripem.

+==== Internet: babani at ===+======== Amateur-Radio: N2LYC ======+
!      Bitnet: V078LNGT at ubvms.BITNET     |        UUCP: rutgers!ub!babani     !
! Alternate: an173 at | Plsure dpnds on the othrs prmison. !
+==  PGP key available. (If you don't know what a PGP key is... find out!)  ==+

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