Looking for biblio re commercialization of encryption

John Gilmore gnu
Tue Jul 6 13:19:19 PDT 1993

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From: Kibbee=Streetman%ACIS.1037%DSRD.K25 at VINES.ORNL.GOV
To: eff at eff.org
Subject: References for Crypto Study
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 93 15:27:26 EDT

Dear Sir -- I am working on a project for NIST to develop an annotated 
bibliography on issues in the commercialization of encryption technology. Can 
you provide me with any references to EFF publications dealing with export, 
Clipper/Capstone, privacy, etc. ? I already have copies of the material 
presented at the CSS&PAB meeting at NIST but would like to have anything else 
that might be available. Thank you for your help!

Kibbee D. Streetman  (kds at ornl.gov)
1099 Commerce Park
Oak Ridge, TN 37830

------- End of Forwarded Message

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