FYI: New report on public public-key infrastructure available

John Gilmore gnu
Sat Jan 2 02:28:03 PST 1993

------- Forwarded Message

To: John Gilmore <hoptoad!gnu at uunet.UU.NET>
Subject: FYI: New report on public public-key infrastructure available
Date: Tue, 01 Dec 92 19:37:12 +0000
From: Mike Roe <Michael.Roe at>

In Europe, an EC-funded project called PASSWORD (`Piloting Authentication and 
Security Services Within OSI Research and Development') aims to deploy an
initial pilot service of privacy and integrity enhanced mail (and several more
exotic applications) between academic and industrial organisations throughout 
Europe. The plans for how we intend to do certificate-based key management are
described in a report entitled ``PASSWORD R2.5: Certification Authority 
Requirements''. Version 1.0 of this report is available by anonymous FTP from: (

I realise that you're probably far too busy with other matters right now, but
if you have any comments to make we'd be delighted to hear them.

Yours sincerely,
Michael Roe
Cambridge University Computer Lab
Computer Security Group

------- End of Forwarded Message

John here.  I have pulled this file down and translated it to
PostScript (which I haven't tried to read yet).  It's in  The "DVI" format he provided is
sort of like object files output by TeX; I have no idea why he didn't
just provide us the TeX source, or the printable PostScript.


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