remailer modification: mailing list demon

covin at covin at
Wed Feb 3 13:03:37 PST 1993

I have just joined this list, but I'm told that there was a recent discussion
about the problem of mailing-list aliases making the names of all the list
members publically available.  I.e., if you've established a mailing list
via a sendmail alias, certain sendmail commands will return the list of mailing
addresses associated with the alias.

I had been considering writing a mail-redistributing program, structurally 
similar to the user-account anonymous remailers, to get around this problem.
I'm told that this was discussed on this list, and that the conclusion was that
the sendmail hole could actually be plugged using regular sendmail features.

Could someone send me either a copy or a pointer to a copy of that discussion,
and/or the sendmail fix?

Thanks much,


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