(fwd) A safer, saner Detweiler

Anonymous nowhere at bsu-cs.bsu.edu
Thu Dec 23 11:19:46 PST 1993

Newsgroups: comp.org.eff.talk
From: sburkart at cpp.PHA.PA.US (Stephen Burkart)
Subject: A safer, saner Detweiler
Organization: Critical Path Project
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1993 16:00:07 GMT

   Found: a (Philadelphia) City Paper review of Covert Culture Sourcebook,
which closed out with:
"Debating the "cutting", or rather "covert" edge, is beginning to seem as
silly as labeling bands "alternative," since so much of it is becoming
more and more chic. Still, it's not as if mainstream-king Jesse Helms
(scapegoat for all ultra-conservatives that he is) will pick up this book
and say, "Hmmm, maybe I _will_ subsribe to Future Sex...."

(review written by Margit Detweiler, who is no doubt a tentacle.)

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