ANNOUNCE: Boston Area Cypherpunks Meeting

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Wed Dec 8 02:55:34 PST 1993

Announcing the December Boston Area Cypherpunks Meeting, held
on the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Date: Saturday, Dec 11, 1993
Time: 12 noon - 6pm, with a possible dinner trip afterwards
Where: MIT Room 1-115 (Directions to follow)

Possible agenda topics include:
	PGP Keyserver Politics
	Crypto Export Laws, and how they may be changing
	Recent Occurrances in Cryptography, etc.
	Next Generation of Cryptography
	... plus other topics, always welcome

Further reminders will be sent only to cypherpunks-east at MIT.EDU.
Requests to be added to this list should be sent to the list
cypherpunks-east-request at MIT.EDU.

Hope to see you there.



Via 'T': Take the red line to the kendall stop.  Cross the street from
the Marriott, walk until the end of the building, and take a right
onto Amhurst.  Keep walking.  Cross Ames St., and continue forward
until the path allows you to keep going straight or allows a 45-degree
right path.  Take this right path, until you reach the steps to the
building.  Go up the steps and follow the corridor to the other end,
then follow directions below.

Via bus: Take route 1 to 77 Mass. Ave, and enter at the 77 Mass Ave
steps.  Take a right just as you enter and walk down that corridor,
following the signs for 1-115.

Via car: Get to the MIT campus in Cambridge, then find a place to
park.  The best places will be near Mass Ave and Amhurst Alley.  Then
enter MIT at 77 Mass Ave and follow the above directions.

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