The Psuedospoofing Saga Continues

Anonymous nowhere at
Sat Dec 4 19:19:35 PST 1993

From: ebrandt at (Eli Brandt)
Newsgroups: talk.politics.crypto,alt.privacy,alt.privacy.anon-server,news.admin.policy,,comp.admin.policy,alt.conspiracy
Date: 5 Dec 1993 00:14:51 GMT
Organization: Harvey Mudd College, Claremont CA
Message-ID: <2dr95r$6dg at>
References: <dasherCHH3Ey.J1F at> <tcmayCHH6MA.Mzw at> <Dec04.105319.36526 at>

In article <Dec04.105319.36526 at>, L. Detweiler <ld231782 at> wrote:
>As for what the paranoid ranter and conspiracy theorist an12070 thinks, 
>who gives a damn? I'm always amazed at top cypherpunks, supposedly interested
>in anonymity, attempting to equate me with this email address.

Oh, come off it.  Your rants under various names (including your own)
are very similar: in tone and style, in topic, in their universal
fixation on PSEUDOSPOOFING, "top cypherpunks", and "cypherpunk
leaders", in time of night sent to the list, in 0 of
punctuation.  Then we have an12070 quoting from private mail to you --
you tried to weasel by saying you'd "communicated with your
colleague", whom you're now calling a "paranoid ranter".  And just
today you made a blatant foul-up in your rant on drug conspiracies:

> Message-Id: <9312041519.AA16672 at>
> To: cypherpunks at
> From: an12070 at (Pablo Escobar)
> puts the life of everyone in the group at deadly dangerous risk. He
> said something very bizarre to me, `so Lance, just HOW ARE YOU FEELING
> TODAY?' The strange tone was entirely uncharacteristic of him, and I

Oops.  I find it ironic that for all your rants about PSEUDOSPOOFING,
your practices are the most blatant and long-running example I have
ever encountered.  I would not count your an12070 account as more
than one identity, except that you constantly change the name and
use different ones to contradict others:

   "The Executioner" <an12070 at>, says:
> I thought that the infamous L. Detweiler had stopped his posting, but it
> appears that he is back, and more neurotic than ever.
   but "S. Boxx" <an12070 at> says:
> BTW, many thanks to L.Detweiler for his lone help in helping me break a
> corrupt conspiracy and massive cyberspatial hoax.


>Timothy C. May (tcmay at wrote:
>: "Medusa" (me, others). I gave up long ago trying to convice Larry
>: Detweiler (alias an12070, The Executioner, S. Boxx, The Pervert, The
>: Psychopunk, and apparently such pseudonyms) that I am a real person,

>That's interesting. Perhaps you would like to enumerate these attempts.

You may recall that your very first paranoid claim was that Tim May
and Jamie Dinkelacker were the same person.  You were given the phone
numbers of both -- this was before people became nervous about giving
you any personal information.  Did you ever attempt a reality check?

>If they were,  they would have long ago answered my honest questions in
>a straightforward manner.

Oh, you mean like:
>that by E.Hughes in RISKS, `I have never posted under any other name than
>E.Hughes' obviously do not count, although they may fool some people.

It's not an answer because he didn't ADMIT to his heinous CRIMES, I
guess.  Rot in place, will you?

>ld231782 at longs.LANCE.ColoState.EDU

   Eli   ebrandt at
	 PGP 2 key by finger or e-mail
"I have noticed an interesting overlap between radical libertarians, crypto-
 anarchists, psychopunks, and people who promote sodomy."  -- L. Detweiler

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