MEETING: Cypherpunks UK (2nd)

Russell E. Whitaker whitaker at
Thu Dec 31 07:51:30 PST 1992

2nd Meeting, Cypherpunks UK

Chris Tame, of FOREST and the Libertarian Alliance, has generously
offered the use of the meeting room at his offices for our gathering,
Sunday, 10 January 1993, from 1300 onwards, at:

  4th Floor
  2 Grosvenor Gardens
  London   SW1W 0DH

This is just around the corner from Victoria Station, at the end of the
mansion block near Hobart Place.  There's a dark green cabbie shelter
across the street from the entrance, and some British Telecom payphones.
Can't miss it, really.  However, if you have trouble, call the telephone
number above, or call my pager, on 081-812-2661.

If it helps, we're in the direction of Buckingham Palace, which is
(very) partially visible from our windows.

If you wish to attend, you should bring a 3.5" DOS-formatted diskette
(sorry!  My UN*X machine is an Intergraph workstation, and I can't use
it for crypto) with a copy of your PGP 2.0+ public key.  I'll sign it
there.  Mac users: if you don't have Apple File Exchange (what!?), I'll
be extra nice and take your keys anyway ( ;-)) for AFE conversion on my
IIcx.  Not to fear.

It might not be a bad idea to copy your public key on each of several
diskettes, so you've got a copy to distribute to each of the others.
Don't trust me to copy *your* key to others!  As a matter of fact, as
there are plenty of power points in the meeting room, you should bring your
laptop, and/or a desktop PC:  when someone hands you a disk-with-key,
you can sign her key, and hand her back her diskette, with your own
pubkey added.

[Note to the novice: don't hand another person your secret key... the
 one named secring.pgp.  Read the documentation.]

This should be a lively meeting.  Among the topics likely to be
discussed are:

  o   The proliferation of public key cryptography in the U.K.
  o   The local development of anonymous remailers and a proposed
        automated public key repository at Demon Internet Systems
  o   Electronic networking/email security for the novice
  o   Pro-active proliferation of PGP 2.1+ to interesting European,
        African, and Asian sites
        -  ftp placement
        -  BBS distribution
        -  sneakernet across borders
  o   The use of HPACK in securing local file installations

.. and much more!

Mark Turner, from Demon Internet Systems, is likely to be on hand to
demo DIS for non-DIS users.  We've set up our own local, high-quality

and established the /pub/pgp and /pub/ibmpc/pgp archives on (expanding recently to include all versions of PGP,
and interesting related files).

Hope to see you there!

Semper vigilans,
Semper vigilans,

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