[ot][spam]gpt-4 completions

Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many gmkarl at gmail.com
Fri Oct 13 17:09:57 PDT 2023


Generalize this code into one function that takes an operator:
def add(x,y):
  return x + y
def sub(x,y):
  return x - y

To generalize the provided code, you might create a function that
takes three arguments: two numbers and an operator (in the form of a
string, for example), and then performs the corresponding operation.
Here's an example:

def operate(x, y, operator):
    if operator == 'add':
        return x + y
    elif operator == 'sub':
        return x - y
        raise ValueError("Operator not recognized. Use 'add' or 'sub'.")


result = operate(5, 3, 'add')  # 8
result = operate(5, 3, 'sub')  # 2

However, to make it even more scalable and Pythonic, you might use the
operator module which contains function equivalents for the infix

import operator

def operate(x, y, op):
    ops = {
        'add': operator.add,
        'sub': operator.sub
    if op not in ops:
        raise ValueError("Operator not recognized. Use 'add' or 'sub'.")
    return ops[op](x, y)


result = operate(5, 3, 'add')  # 8
result = operate(5, 3, 'sub')  # 2

This makes it very easy to expand your function to handle additional
operations. Just add more operators to the `ops` dictionary, mapping
strings to functions from the operator module:

ops = {
    'add': operator.add,
    'sub': operator.sub,
    'mul': operator.mul,
    'div': operator.truediv

Now your `operate` function can handle addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division with the appropriate string argument.

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