Freedom of Speech: Islam Goes Apeshit over Charlie Hebdo Muhammad Cartoons Repub, Quran Eating, and Successful Critical Analysis

grarpamp grarpamp at
Tue Nov 7 17:48:28 PST 2023

Ha Ha "Islamophobia" The term 'Islamophobia' is a powerful tool
employed by Muslims to put their critics on the defensive. It
effectively serves as a shield to protect Islam from scrutiny and
silences those who question its tenets. Its origins trace back to the
late 1970s when Iranian fundamentalists invented it with the
deliberate intention of making Islam immune to criticism. This term,
reminiscent of totalitarian propaganda, intentionally lacks
specificity, leaving it unclear whether it pertains to the religion
itself, the belief system, or its adherents worldwide. 'Islamophobia'
denies the reality of an Islamic offensive and suppresses the voices
of Muslims who challenge the Koran, demand gender equality, or seek
the freedom to practice their faith without oppression. Time and
again, 'Islamophobia' has proven successful in its mission. It
empowers Islamic apologists to silence any critique of Islam. Those
who advocate for the monitoring of mosques to safeguard public order
are unjustly denounced. As a result, issues such as child marriages,
forced marriages, female seclusion, honor killings, gang rapes of
non-Muslim women, or the enslavement and sale of females for sex
slavery remain hidden due to fear of being labeled as racists
Xenophobes, Islamophobes. These fears are not irrational but grounded
in reality. Muslims strategically exploit diversity politics and
ecumenical dreams to advance their agenda. By invoking 'Islamophobia,'
they aim to discredit and vilify their critics, all the while enjoying
the support of multiculturalists and the cultural left. Consequently,
'Islamophobia' not only stifles legitimate discourse but also
obstructs the acknowledgment of pressing societal issues, perpetuating
harmful practices and ideologies. It is a potent weapon wielded to
further the Islamic cause and silence dissenting voices. Islamophobia
is an ideological construct, a term strategically wielded to stifle
critical thought and pave the way for a totalitarian future. As Andrew
C. McCarthy astutely points out, it's a neologism crafted by the
Muslim Brotherhood, an organization well-versed in the art of
deception. It is high time we cease catering to those who manipulate
this term. In the face of the evils perpetuated by extremist
ideologies, we should all be unapologetically critical—be it
Islamophobia, Naziphobia, or Communistphobia. Genuine concerns about
the consequences of these ideologies should not be silenced. I am an
Islamophobe, and you should be one, too. Islamophobes include: Hindus,
Christians, Sikhs, and Jews who don’t want to be forced into a
political system that treats them as third-class citizens.  Atheists
who want the freedom to live openly and challenge religious orthodoxy
in the public sphere.  Women who don’t want to be draped in black
bags.  Heterosexual males who prefer not to see women draped in black
bags.  Wives who don't want to be beaten. Drinkers   Artists and art
lovers. Homosexuals who don’t want to be beaten to death or thrown
from a building.  Anyone else who believes that consenting adults
should not be killed or tortured over sexual practices.  Dog lovers.
Animal Rights activists and anyone else who is opposed to the cruel
and unethical treatment of animals.  Mothers who don’t want their
daughters killed over a man’s “honor.”  Anyone who believes that Wives
have the right to divorce their husbands Intellectuals who value
freedom of conscience and public dissent.  Anyone believing that the
value of a person's life is not determined by their religious beliefs.
Feminists who believe that women should not be made subordinate to men
by a religion that openly insists that females are intellectually and
legally inferior to males.  Anyone who disagrees that Muslim men
should not be allowed to marry as many as four women at a time and
have sexual relations with an unspecified number of slaves as well.
Anyone else who objects to a religion in which a woman’s identity is
defined by her relationship to a man.  Whoever knows that the clitoris
is there for a reason.  Secularists who believe in the separation of
government and religion.  The left-handed Liberals who don’t believe
that culture and moral values should be established by a
state-sponsored "religion." Muslims who would like the freedom to
leave Islam.  And many more...(help me add to the list)

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