[ot][spam][crazy][spam][confused code] asdf!

Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many gmkarl at gmail.com
Mon Jul 17 16:11:13 PDT 2023

[what is the point of the code ... long story short it is for timing
cosmos-family blockchain autocompounding transactions. [the best time
to send them is when the blocks they are likely mined in produce the
highest reward, [haven't learned enough about the chains to calculate
that precisely, not sure if i will] since the math involves integer
truncation multiple times the reward % is different on different
blocks.] [my trick for getting into cryptocurrency a little again is
to take it very slowly, and doing things supported by more mainstream
groups that can back it. for example, i started by simply staking on
coinbase, and the staking had issues and i had to raise a support
ticket and escalate it and it got resolved eventually] [significant
worries/mistakes present. information also missing.]]

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