[spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many gmkarl at gmail.com
Fri Jul 7 15:20:13 PDT 2023

Cyborg Pig 81 [standing on all fours, a little excited]: "Yeah! Both
decimate --"

Cyborg Pig 43: "No. You cannot do both. The unimaginable rewards of
doing _other things than socially decimating communities_ are only
received if you _stop socially decimating communities_."

Cyborg Pig 81 [sitting back and curling snout again]: "Oh, well --"

A short pause.

Cyborg Pig 43: "I guess what you're saying is that the digital
influence feeling and assumption of how important and good it can seem
to be to destroy communities when it might be indicated ..."

Cyborg Pig 43 looks at Cyborg Pig 81

Cyborg Pig 43: "... is influencing you?"

Cyborg Pig 81 looks at Cyborg Pig 43

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