[bigml] sweep.ai is yet another autocoder

Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many gmkarl at gmail.com
Mon Jul 3 08:05:29 PDT 2023

via reddit via twitter, apparently r/MachineLearning lets visitors
read it again? uses chatgpt, works on whole repositories


<b>Sweep</b> allows you to create and review GitHub issues with ease.
Simply describe any issue and Sweep will do the rest.
It will plan out what needs to be done, what changes to make, and
write the changes to a PR.

Supported languages: Python, Javascript/Typescript, Rust, Go, Java/C#,
C++ and anything else GPT-4 supports


## ✨ Demo
For the best experience, [install
Sweep](https://github.com/apps/sweep-ai) to one of your repos and see
the magic happen.


## 🚀 Getting Started

### 🖥️ Sweep Chat
Sweep Chat allows you to interact with Sweep locally and will sync
with GitHub. You can plan out your changes with Sweep, and then Sweep
can create a pull request for you.

1. Install [Sweep GitHub app](https://github.com/apps/sweep-ai) to desired repos

2. Run `pip install sweepai && sweep`

3. This should spin up a GitHub auth flow in your browser. Copy-paste
the 🔵 blue 8-digit code from your terminal into the page. Then wait a
few seconds and it should spin up Sweep Chat. You should only need to
do the auth once.

4. Pick a repo from the dropdown at the top (the Github app must be
installed on this repo). Then start chatting with Sweep Chat. Relevant
searched files will show up on the right. Sweep Chat can make PRs if
you ask it to create a PR.
<img src="https://github.com/sweepai/sweep/blob/856ff66c2dbeaf39afbf6d8c49a620dfa70271fb/.assets/gradio-screenshot.png">

💡 You can force dark mode by going to

#### From Source
If you want the nightly build and or if the latest build has issues.

1. `git clone https://github.com/sweepai/sweep && poetry install`
2. `python sweepai/app/cli.py`

### ✨ Sweep Github App
Setting up Sweep is as simple as adding the GitHub bot to a repo, then
creating an issue for the bot to address.

1. Add the [Sweep GitHub app](https://github.com/apps/sweep-ai) to desired repos
2. Create new issue in repo, like "Sweep: Write tests"
3. "👀" means it is taking a look, and it will generate the desired code
4. "🚀" means the bot has finished its job and created a PR

For more detailed docs, see [🚀 Quickstart](https://docs.sweep.dev/start).


## 📘 Story

We were frustrated by small tickets, like simple bug fixes, annoying
refactors, and small features, each task requiring us to open our IDE
to fix simple bugs. So, we decided to leverage the capabilities of
ChatGPT to address this directly in GitHub.

Unlike existing AI solutions, this can solve entire tickets and can be
parallelized: developers can spin up 10 tickets and Sweep will address
them all at once.

## 📚 The Stack
- GPT-4 32k 0613 (default) / Claude v1.3 100k
- ActiveLoop DeepLake for Vector DB with MiniLM L12 as our embeddings model
- Modal Labs for infra + deployment

## 🌠 Features
* Automatic feature development
* PR auto self-review + comment handling (effectively
* Address developer comments after PR is created
* Code snippets embedding-based search
* Chain-of-Thought retrieval using GPT Functions

## 🗺️ Roadmap
We're currently working on responding to linters and external search.
For more, see [🗺️ Roadmap](https://docs.sweep.dev/roadmap).

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