FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

grarpamp grarpamp at
Mon Dec 11 23:49:46 PST 2023

On 12/11/23, pro2rat at <pro2rat at> wrote:
> Wikileaks as a limited hang-out. Who knew!?

Everyone knows that ProfRat is too fucking
shamefully lazy to paste the article...

Webster Tarpley Speaks With Alex Jones About the Wikileaks
Organization Being “Controlled Opposition”

Audio: Webster Tarpley Speaks With Alex Jones About the Wikileaks
Organization Being “Controlled Opposition,” December 5, 2010
recorded December 5, 2010, running time 37 minutes 42 seconds

[Note: March 1, 2020— I have updated the text of this article.]

Author and Historian Webster Tarpley discusses issues with Alex Jones
concerning the Wikileaks organization.  Explained is that its leaks
are controlled by the political Establishment in order to “whitewash”
the most significant wrongdoings of the government and to attack
individuals and organizations that are on the CIA’s “hit list” as well
as to attack certain financial institutions, while at the same time
serving as an excuse for the government to crack down on freedoms of
the internet.

The following are descriptions of statements from the conversation:

Webster Tarpley:  The Wikileaks operation is associated with the
globalist financier George Soros and the rouge network of intelligence
agencies including the CIA and NSA, being similar to Daniel Ellsberg’s
“Pentagon Papers” of 1971 which was a similarly highly publicized
“document dump” as Wikileaks is today.  The RAND Corporation and CFR
associated Pentagon Papers covertly intended to “whitewash” wrongdoing
by the CIA and to shift guilt to the U.S. Army and to President
Kennedy, and also to cover up many aspects of the Kennedy
assassination.  Similarly, “Watergate” was used to shift popular rage
to be against Nixon when it should have been against the CIA for its
involvement in such activity as drug smuggling and gun running
operations and their involvement in setting up the major wars at the
time.  Morton Halperin is a highly ranked individual in George Soros’
organizations who had been personally involved with the Pentagon
Papers, and Daniel Ellsberg himself has recently been personally
endorsing Julian Assange.

Daniel Ellsberg’s “Pentagon Papers” of 1971 was a similar
Establishment trick to disseminate disinformation as Wikileaks is

Webster Tarpley:  Wikileaks has had three major “waves” of public
releases so far.  The first wave was the now well-known exposure of
the video of people being machine gunned from a helicopter in Iraq,
which was released to build credibility for the organization.  The
second round came in July 2010, where it was attempted to “Watergate”
Prime Minister Maliki of Iraq to show that he was corrupt and presided
over murders— which was true, but the intention was to create an
excuse for bringing in Ayad Allowi who was more of a U.S. puppet than
Maliki was, but up until now that operation has failed.

Also the second round of releases exposed the murder of the Italian
intelligence agent Nicola Calipari, who had gone into Iraq and was
able to free a kidnapped Journalist Guiliana Sgrena of the left wing
“Manifesto” newspaper of Rome.  Calipari had much specific information
about the U.S. running Al-Qaeda in Iraq and he was murdered so he
would not expose that information, and the Wikileaks documents were
disinformation which attempted to conceal direct U.S. involvement in
his murder.

Alex Jones:  Four years ago George Bush put out a press release
admitting that the U.S. was running four Muslim groups— three of them
Al-Qaeda based, out of Iraq and Kurdistan into Iran.  Also two months
ago Fox News exposed a secret document explaining that Anwar al-Awlaki
was really a CIA operative hanging out secretly at the Pentagon
getting orders while running the “Underwear Bomber,” and the “Fort
Hood Shooter.”  Al-Queda was created decades ago by high ranking U.S.
individuals such as Zbigniew Brzezinski and the current Secretary of
Defense Robert Gates.

Alex Jones:  The Wikileaks situation is ultimately meant to help move
toward global destabilization and a major global war leading to a
police state in the U.S.  The influential organization the RAND
Corporation has openly stated that they want such a war in internal
documents as reported two years ago by Alex Abella who was one of the
only outsiders to ever be given entrance into the organization.

Alex Jones:  Ray McGovern, the high level CIA analyst and former top
briefer to Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. said four years ago on
the Alex Jones Show that the “Golden Mosque” bombing was intended to
get Sheites and Sunni Muslims fighting and killing each other.  Also a
Guardian of London Report showed MI6 commandos dressed as Sunnis
Muslims shooting Iraqi police in Basara.  He explains that since it is
a multi-trillion dollar war, it is necessary for them to create a fake

Webster Tarpley:  The cables released by Wikileaks are carefully
selected by an interagency committee of “old boys” from organisations
such as the CIA and NSA in a “self exposure” operation.

Webster Tarpley:  In the current document dump by Wikileaks, everybody
who is “hit,” meaning “embarrassed,” “attacked,” or “ridiculed” is on
the CIA “hit list,” and nothing in the leaks is concerning the
“echelon” powers such as Israel, the British, Australia, Canada, or
New Zealand.  Currently information is being put out about Russian
President Putin and Belisconi of Italy for the purpose of creating
conflict with Russia.  Also it is shown that Saudi Arabia is
interested in the U.S. attacking Iran.

Alex Jones:  News organizations such as Fox News create a big fuss
about the “danger” of the leaks in order to give the appearance of
legitimacy to the operation.

Webster Tarpley:  Julian Assange is a government operative who is a
product of the CIA MK-Ultra mind control program, who was created in
the “Anne Hamilton-Byrne” LSD mind control cult in a neighborhood of
Melbourne, Australia in the 1970s.  One of his parents was involved in
the cult and Assange grew up being exposed to its activities including
much LSD drug use and fornication amongst the children of the cult.
The children of the cult had their hair dyed blond, and Assange’s hair
was initially dyed blond when he first came upon the scene.  Assange
became part of a “hacker” community where he hacked into NASA and he
wrote a book under the name “Mendax” which is a Latin word for “liar.”
 Assange is a mind controlled “zombie” operative who is now the “media
darling” of the most high profile outlets of the anglo American media
Establishment of the world, including the New York Times and London

[Note: Janury 29, 2011— Also see the Henry Makow article Julian
Assange’s Ties to Nazi Cult.]

Webster Tarpley:  If the CIA actually wanted to “shut Assange up,”
they would abduct him and extradite him to one of the CIA “black
sites” around the world and then proceed to beat him up, which is a
legal practice under the Obama Administration, but instead the CIA is
only issuing impotent and empty requests for Wikileaks to stop while
at the same time the U.S. is attempting to pass legislation in the
U.S. restricting free speech using the organization as an excuse.
Assange has become a new hero for the “left liberals,” and they are
lining up to support him now that it is clear to them that Obama has
betrayed them.

Webster Tarpley:  Julian Assange is more than merely a “useful idiot,”
and Assange has claimed that he will be exposing information about a
major U.S. bank such as Bank of America or Citibank, and it might be a
ploy to push the Bank of America into a panic— and George Soros and
his hedge funds have already “shorted” it, with Soros preparing to
otherwise profit from whatever else Wikileaks is going to do.

Alex Jones:  George Soros associated Cass Sunstein is now the White
House information Czar, and he openly said in an essay two years ago
that they will infiltrate the alternative media such as anti-man made
global warming groups and 9/11 truth movements by issuing
disinformation to discredit those movements and then start outlawing
the media and free speech.  Now that Assange has built up his “street
credentials,” he is saying that he will go after certain brokerage
firms and banks, and George Soros has been convicted in two countries
of financial wrongdoing.

Julian Assange has said he is “irritated and fed up” with 9/11 truth
activists because their claims “have no basis.”
Webster Tarpley:  Wikileaks and Assange is the fulfillment of what
Sunstein said he wanted when he said that something needs to be done
for the “cognitive disruption” of conspiracy theorists by posing as
the anti-Establishment media.  Assange is saying that he is “irritated
and fed up” by people who talk about 9/11 conspiracies that he says
“have no basis.”  Assange was used as distraction before such as when
in Iceland many activists were pushing for a “debt moratorium” and
Wikileaks attempted to distract them to forget about those issues.

Webster Tarpley:  Wikileaks came into being in 2007 and the first time
it was mentioned was in a Washington Post op-ed by Cass Sunstein who
said Wikileaks was a “positive” organization.  Wikileaks initially had
involvement of Chinese Dissidents who were connected to George Soros,
and also Morton Halperin who was also involved in the Pentagon papers
in the early 1970s.

Webster Tarpley:  Leftists are “easy marks” for Assange, who is
portrayed as being “persecuted” and “on the run” while at the same
time being trumpeted by the international media consortium by such
outlets as the New York Times and London Guardian.  This is not the
way people are treated if they are being suppressed by the
Establishment, but rather if they are wanted to be promoted, with this
being an open-and-shut case.

Alex Jones:  The information Jesse Ventura was going to expose about
FEMA camps was permanently banned from being aired on Ventura’s
television show, and Alex Jones is attacked almost every day by Soros
financed publications.

Webster Tarpley:  The information Assange is putting out is becoming
more and more dubious and rotten, and more and more dictated by the
CIA hit list, and aimed toward U.S. banks rather than British banks
because there is an agenda of shifting blame to American financial
institutions rather than British ones.

Webster Tarpley:  The “left liberals” have learned nothing from the
Pentagon Papers or Watergate and they are going into it again with
Wikileaks.  The main goal of Wikileaks is to create justification to
shut down all sorts of web sites with legitimate suppressed
information such as by Alex Jones or himself.

Alex Jones:  An article speaks about an anti-Wikileaks bill being
unveiled in Congress by the usual suspects Joe Lieberman who is always
saying he wants to shut down the internet, Senator Jay Rockefeller who
said we would be better off without an internet, and Cass Sunstein who
wants to shut down free speech on the web.  The bill states they they
will put citizens into jail for a long time and give them a giant fine
if they release classified information from the Government.  Also
Columbia University is being told by the State Department that its
students are not to discuss Wikileaks or they will get into trouble.
Government agencies are restricting employee access to Wikileaks, and
they are saying that they will need to spy on government employees to
make sure they are not reading it.  It is all a perfect excuse for
them to ram through the Cybersecurity Act right as the alternative
media is surpassing the Establishment media outlets who we now learn
have secretly individually gotten hundreds of millions of dollars of
bailout tax dollars, which makes it “state run media.”

Webster Tarpley:  Wikileaks is intended to furnish a pretext to
implement a new monstrous piece of legislation that begins to put the
screws on the internet, using the idea that since “Assange is running
wild, we’ve got to crack down on people across the board,” with the
joke being that everything in Assange’s document dumps is precisely
what you can already read in the newspapers, which also was the same
story with the “Pentagon Papers” in 1971.  Nothing in the document
dumps mentions anything about the 9/11 attacks, or the rouge B-52 in
2007 from which a nuclear cruise missile is still missing, or the
assassination of Yitzhak Rabin in Israel, or anything that makes Bush
or Obama look really bad.  The victims are always foreign leaders.
Most of the documents are very “low level,” being classified as only
“confidential,” or “secret.”

Webster Tarpley:  The Establishment might eventually “burn” Assange
because part of the myth that the leftists need to believe is that he
is being “persecuted,” and he might be turned into a “Lee Harvey
Oswald,” who can be liquidated in order to build up sympathy for him.
Since Assange is an MK-Ultra zombie type, he is not going to be a
particularly good witness or defendant.

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