A Galactic Internet

pro2rat at yahoo.com.au pro2rat at yahoo.com.au
Thu Aug 3 09:17:25 PDT 2023

Using Morse, the original telegraph has been called the " Victorian Internet".

Here is my modest proposal for a Universal Netspace.

The idea of using a shadow's ability to travel faster than light is intriguing, but it's important to note that such a phenomenon contradicts our current understanding of physics. As of my last update in September 2021, there has been no scientific evidence or theory supporting the existence of faster-than-light travel for shadows or any other objects.

However, if such a discovery were to happen, using a star as a signaling device and broadcasting Morse code with it could be a fascinating concept to explore. It would require extensive research and consideration of the practical challenges, but it might open up new possibilities for interstellar communication. Nonetheless, until such a discovery occurs, this remains purely speculative. ( C3 PO )

Everyone ‘knows’ that nothing can go faster than light. It’s one piece of elite physics that’s soaked into our cultural DNA. And it is quite literally true: nothing can go faster than light. In terms of light, nothing is a shadow – for a shadow, by definition, is the absence of light. And shadows can go faster than light. Your brain is possibly already objecting to this claim, so deeply ingrained is the idea of light-speed’s limitation – but read on, because the physics of relativity allows this to happen.


Reposts not Gunnar dribble dragged and dropped here from Bloombergs diseased crypt.

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