torproject forum hosted by 3rd party, not least of problems

grarpamp grarpamp at
Wed Jan 26 15:08:31 PST 2022

> "Tor Stinks" means that tor is
> _frustrating_ for the nsa, not that it has problems with anonymity.

"Tor Stinks" was two "good" words about tor out of a much
larger context and future workplan, much between the lines.

> it still really frustrated the nsa.

That was 12+ years past tense.

The question should obviously be not what was frustrating then,
but the degree to which "Tor Stinks" (bad words about tor)
even more today given estimated success of those plans.

And regardless, people should develop deploy and try new
competing designs, even if only for comparative review and diversity
away from Tor, and to give spies more things to burn their cycles on.

> spy agencies would help secure people's firmware and software

Which, like cryptocurrency, could put the Spies, and the States
they work for, out of business. Since, absent first use advantage,
better FW and SW is global, they may be disinterested in that.

People should question proclaimed benevolence...

... and should instead just make the improvements
themselves, without, and thus deprecating, the spies.


#OpenFabs , #OpenHW , #OpenAudit , #FormalVerification ,
#CryptoCrowdFunding , #OpenTrust , ...

No Govt/Spies needed there. In fact,
you're free to observe the entire thing.

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