kindergarten - learning to count - covaids example

Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 punks at
Thu Jan 20 09:45:33 PST 2022

	Number of fake covaids deaths in the US cesspool according to the pentagon is 870,000 

	The first lesson is division by two. 870,000 fake deaths during two years of nazi PSYOP gives 870,000 / 2 = 435,000 

	Now, the pentagon also says

	"for 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate" 

	"for deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19 (95 FUCKING PERCENT), on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death"

	So it turns out that 95% of the fake covaids deaths CANNOT be atributed to covaids. Therefore we now have to divide by 20.  435,000 / 20 = 21750. I'll be generous and round it up to 22,000.  A plandemic that is allegeldy killing 0.006% of the US population. Or 66 'victims' per million.

	We now have to look at the AGE DISTRIBUTION of the 'victims'. Turns out that 75% of the 'victims' are older 65 years. People start to die at 50, contrary to bullshit 'life expectancy figures' so having 16,000 people older than 65 die of the common cold is not a plandemic at all. It's just a very small number of people dying of natural causes. But there are even better explanations. It's perfectly possible AND LIKELY that the vast majority of those 16,000 people  were MURDERED by 'health care' criminals. Ah yes, the technonazis call it 'medical error'.

	People who are old and end up in a hospital with a cold are rather likely to have an 'accident'. Shocking.

	Now looking at the other end of the age distribution, 1% of the 'victims' were younger than 35. Out of 22,000 deaths that could be attributed 'only' to covaids, only 200 are unusual, 'not normal', unlikely, or what have you. But then again, 200 in 330,000,000 is...less than 1 per million. It is perfectly fine to assume that those 200 examples of young healthy people who died of covaids are a mix of medical murder and outright fraud. 

	And this is the analysis of 'official' data coming from the most corrupt scum on the planet, the US. Again it's perfectly fine to assume the data is fraudulent and inflated as fuck. 
	For comparison : 

	US     870,000 in 330,000,000 : 0.26 %
	japan  18,000  in 130,000,000 : 0.01 % 

	LMAO!!! WAIT, WUT??? Fake covaids death rate in the US cesspool, the supreme leader of SCIENCE, CAPITALISM, MEDICINE, and the DEVELOPED WORLD, is 25 FUCKING TIMES higher than in japan? 

	Same fake 'disease', same technocratic assholes (japan is a sorry colony of the US), and yet the US cesspool is 25 times worse. 

	What's the reply from motherfucking pieces of non-human-shit like 'grancapm'? Oh yes, he linked fake news from a random australian, arpanet outlet about ONE guy who "ate porongavirus and died". No doubt is the ultimate scientific authority. 

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