Puri.sm Librem 5 Phone Ships, Pine64 Pinephone Coming, Linux and BSD Phones

Punk punks at tfwno.gf
Wed Oct 2 10:56:19 PDT 2019

On Wed, 2 Oct 2019 03:48:43 -0400
grarpamp <grarpamp at gmail.com> wrote:

> You must start to redirect global cashflows around
> that closed source problem towards #OpenHW 

	that's easier said than done though

> #OpenFabs , #OpenHW , #OpenSW , #OpenBiz , #OpenAudits
> That is how you build a truly "secured device".

> > "there is no ... market"
> Self defeatist talk.

	But in a way, that is correct. There's no 'free market' at all, so building something like  an 'open source' IC manufacturing plant is...pretty hard. To state the obvious, writing open source software requires very little effort - chip manufacturing is a lot more complex and  all the required infrastructure is controlled by the enemy. 

	Also, the line "there is no market" actually should read "there's no demand". Most of the 'public' don't care because they've been subjected to complete indoctrination. So we're dealing with a cultural problem, not an engineering problem.

> Of course open trust and security are in themselves
> no market memes... you have to actually put and enable
> running of #OpenSW on top of them, then you have
> something you can sell.
> Distrust is known to be in back of mind of everyone now, globally.

	hmmm - that's mostly a PSYOP for the 'marketing' of closed HW that's even more closed - to state the obvious again, 'secure processors' are meant to secure devices AGAINST their alleged owners. 'secure' processors only provide security for govcorp. 

	same thing as the stream of bullshit 'news' about this and that being 'hacked', this and that being 'vulnerable' etc etc. 

> So open trust is something that all now quietly lust for and will be
> immensely profitable to the first movers, and will completely
> crack open and disrupt the closed markets.

	'tah market' or the closed market is actually a blattantly rigged market (thanks to things like 'intelectual property' hey Jim!) - so there's no way to subvert that rigged market while playing by their rules. 

> Proof is that now all the major phone and CPU makers
> are touting closed fake "trust" and profiting from it.

	see above - what they are doing is using 'our' talking points to further their agenda. 

> What do you think will happen when you are first to deliver
> actual #OpenTrust ... those legacy old, obese, circlejerkers die.

	except, samsung, intel and the pentagon own all the inftrastructure. There's no way to compete against them in the rigged market, which is not a market but a command and control economy.

> > "I would very much love to produce and sell a proper secured HW"
> As before, get your nutty millionaires billionaires and cryptos
> and crowds together and build the truly #OpenFab under
> 24x7x365 all access open to the public #OpenAudit models.

	the nutty billionaires are our number one enemy. The only guy who seems to be half aware of the situation is roger ver. Yet you can see him in his jewtube videos bragging about his iturd retard-phone. Yep, roger ver is a govcorp cocksucker, like amy run of the mill, fake libertarian. 

> Then you can print off all the open source secure #OpenHW
> you want and at cost.
	too bad cost is in the 1000s of millions. 

	and here's a half interesting fact. The only national governments that own the IC 'industry' are the americunt govt and the chinese govt. It seems that all the rest of the world use their backdoored HW. Hm ok, I have to add samsung to the club. And the japanese have some foundries, but they are spineless, piece-pf-shit sellouts. There are some european chip manufacturers too I guess? Same thing though, they are not manufacturing anything that's actually half 'secure'. 


> Including printing dirt cheap #OpenHW phone radios
> and base stations that everyone on the planet can
> plugin to their existing WAN connection, or their newly
> printed P2P Guerrilla Fiber Wifi Meshnet connection,
> and completely fucking overlay and replace the Legacy
> Cellular Network Monopolies with your all new secure
> distributed uncensorable solar powered... etc...
> Are you starting to get the big picture?

	the big picture is that we are thorughly fucked =/

> It's doable within 20 years.
> Start now.

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