Jake and Tor article

Razer rayzer at riseup.net
Fri Oct 14 06:28:40 PDT 2016

Sound like information suppression to me... Jacob Appelbaum is a 'public
person' and subject to conversation, and he expects it. Don't like it?
Don't read it.


On 10/13/2016 09:04 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> Please, guys, let's kill this thread forever.  Sorry, this discussion is
> _not_ healthy.  It was harmful to some persons, in special for me.
> I do love 'He-who-must-not-be-named-but-is-not-Lord-Voldermort' and it's
> everything ok now.  No panic, no towels needed.
> Much love, good night kisses and sweet dreams wishes for all of you...  <3
> "Brahms Lullaby"
> http://youtu.be/gsFQcQKWgTQ
> Lullaby, and good night, in the skies stars are bright.
> May the moon's silvery beams bring you sweet dreams.
> Close your eyes now and rest, may these hours be blessed.
> 'Til the sky's bright with dawn, when you wake with a yawn.
> Lullaby, and good night, you are mother's delight.
> I'll protect you from harm, and you'll wake in my arms.
> Sleepyhead, close your eyes, for I'm right beside you.
> Guardian angels are near, so sleep without fear.
> Lullaby, and good night, with roses bedight.
> Lilies o'er head, lay thee down in thy bed.
> Lullaby, and good night, you are mother's delight.
> I'll protect you from harm, and you'll wake in my arms.
> Lullaby, and sleep tight, my darling sleeping.
> On sheets white as cream, with a head full of dreams.
> Sleepyhead, close your eyes, I'm right beside you.
> Lay thee down now and rest, may your slumber be blessed.
> Go to sleep, little one, think of puppies and kittens.
> Go to sleep, little one, think of butterflies in spring.
> Go to sleep, little one, think of sunny bright mornings.
> Hush, darling one, sleep through the night,
> Sleep through the night,
> Sleep through the night.

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