US: Post Election Protests

jim bell jdb10987 at
Thu Nov 10 07:46:28 PST 2016

 From: grarpamp <grarpamp at>
On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 12:56 AM, grarpamp <grarpamp at> wrote:
> Seems to be a first for any US election.

>This compilation from before election...

>Violence not a good solution.
These people are very misguided.  If anyone, they should be protesting Hillary Clinton, the DNC, John Podesta, her other aides and allies,and the various examples of corruption that have occurred.  Do they not realize that the election went the way it did not merely because of the email leaks, but more fundamentally because these corrupt people did things the way they did, and then they chose to talk about that in a medium that at one point they considered secure and safe.  Didn't turn out to be, huh?
In, say, 2013, the average Hillary-supporter could have said that she was capable, competent, experienced, and honest, and not risk too much laughter from the rest of us.  By late 2016, everything had changed.  Do her supporters actually believe that the only problem is the exposure of her, rather than her underlying behavior?
        Jim Bell

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